intuitive coaching

Partner in Soul Evolution


As an intuitive coach, I work outside the scope of my therapy practice and under a separate set of principles. This role is about meeting you on a fulfillment level.

Life can be confusing. Some problems ask for changes we can or need to make just to stay afloat. Other challenges, however, represent meaningful lessons and invitations to deepen our commitment to ourselves, those we love, or our unique life path.

As active collaborators in your coaching goals, we embrace your core values, passions, cultural identities, interests, & pre-existing resources. Our work may focus on creating emotional & spiritual balance, consciously communicating in relationships, aligning with a purposeful identity, and attuning to sacred guidance in everyday life. My goal is to put you in touch with your intuition. To aid subtle body awareness, we may call upon movement, breathwork, therapeutic yoga, somatic guidance, or expressive outlets.

In any moment, you can start fresh and create anew. Let’s dive in together, tapping life’s potency when expressed from your embodied core.


Hearing our intuition amidst the rush & noise of daily life can be challenging. Looking inside ourselves may feel overwhelming. Change often feels scary to trek alone. Having a partner in healing fosters the courage & tools to reach for our goals. In a complex & dynamic world, we empower ourselves when we attune within.